There's something about that first substantial snow that kicks my creativity up a notch. How about you? Time to light a candle, turn on the twinkle lights in the studio and grab a cup of good Dunkin' Donuts coffee. Setting the stage for the arrival of "the muse" is a huge part of the process of getting down to work. A little Burl Ives playing in the background, the brushes all washed and I'm ready to go.
There are only 2 more classes before the Christmas break so this week we'll be fine tuning the designs on our Christmas cards and perfecting our snow scenes. For last year's card, I painted dancing Christmas teacups from my Mother's beautiful teacup collection so maybe this year I will do Christmas cookies to go with them....just to keep that food theme going. Having a live-in chef has inspired me to see the beauty of food in a new light. At least I'm assured that PAINTING food is perfectly calorie free! What could be better?
Snow is one of the most inspiring things to me as well! I even agree with the coffee and a candle part. Wholeheartedly! I'd probably be listening to some Slayer or maybe Triakel though... no offense to Burl Ives.